Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jek Porkins, starfighter extraordionaire

Good evening boys and girls. Allow me to begin by telling you a little about myself. I am known as Jek Porkins. I am an academy trained starfighter pilot for the Republic. My specialty is my X-wing, Red 6, but I'm able to fly pretty much anything you put me at the controls of, except those Calamari cruisers. Wierd Calamarian controls are difficult to grasp with stubby fingers like mine.

But as I was saying I can fly anything. X-wings, Y-wings, Z-wings, and the old Z-25 Headhunters I trained on back at academy. I've also been known to have a go at some capitol ships- the Correlian 'vettes and medium transports. But when I'm not on call I like to just lay around my bunk and eat. Very rarely am I seen without some sort of food. I even take a meal to go on missions sometimes.

So now that you now a little about me I'll tell you what's gonna go on with my postings on here. I polan to tell you about my life, which includes some of the previous missions I've flown as well as the ones that are yet to come, and you'll know all about my time out of the cockpit too. So jump in your flighsuit and buckle your harness, 'casue your about to set off a one hell of a ride.


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