Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Kashhyk- The Briefing

It's been roughly a week now since the liberation of Kessel. We're just arriving in the vicinity of the Kashyyk system, where it is believed that a detachment of Imperial star destroyers is still loyal to their corrupt cause. Our purpose in the system was to put an end to the fighting between the Wookies and the Imperial stormtroopers- by any means necessary.

We dropped out of hyperspace just shy of the star destroyers sensor range, hoping there would be no scouts that far out. A suprise attack on the star destroyer fleet could potentially decimate them, if executed properly. Fleet command prompted all pilots be present for a briefing in the Independance's war room, and that the attack would commence immediately following that.

As is usual, the hanger bay was a flurry of activity, with squads moving about to fuel and arm the fighters we would be using. I gave my X-wing a thorough check to ensure everything was in proper order then headed off to the briefing. Once all the other pilots were assembled the fleet commander, General Ackbar, began speaking on the importance of the upcoming mission. The various squadrons were assigned combat roles by our tactician, General Dodonna. My beloved Red squadron had the task of taking out the TIE's that would be launched so that Gold's Y-wings and Green's B-wings could make bombing runs at the star destroyers shield generators.

All in all this briefing took only about 5 minutes. Very concise, but very neccesary. So the pilots all headed toward the hanger bay and strapped in to their respective fighters. This is going to be one hel of a ride.


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