Kashyyk- The Aftermath
I stared at the face that was looking back at me from the cockpit of the A-wing that had saved my ass in the battle over Kashyyk. Looking down at me was the face of my old academy roommate. The Sullustan went by the nickname Mouse, and though I know his real name I could never pronounce it correctly so he was always referred to as Mouse.
"Mouse! You dirty rat get down here. How ya doin? Hey lets go get some lunch and sit down and talk" I yelled over to him.
"Hey Jek. Good to see ya again. Lets go eat" he said in his native Haya tongue, which I fortunately learned while at academy. "I know you got to be starving after that."
So off to the cafeteria we went, carousing down the corridors and making boisterous conversation the entire way. We seated ourselves at a table that overlooked the hanger bay.
"So what brings you out to the Independance?" I asked. "Republic High Command gave my squadron orders to make this our base for this tour. They said you might need the help." he replied. A whole squadron of A-wings. This must be a critically important mission. I proded further, "Damn, a whole squad of shiny new starfighters. That must be nice." He retorted, "There's one out there for you, if you want. We lost a wingman a few weeks ago and need a replacement. I told them I know one of the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy. So if you chose, Blue 3 could be your new callsign."
Wow, me in an A-wing. The speed and agility of them is renowned, but could I just up and leave Red squadron like that? "I'll have to think about that one, can you give me a day or so?" I asked. "Of course, just come find me when you've made a decision."
I walked around the huge Mon Calamari cruiser for the rest of the day.
"Mouse! You dirty rat get down here. How ya doin? Hey lets go get some lunch and sit down and talk" I yelled over to him.
"Hey Jek. Good to see ya again. Lets go eat" he said in his native Haya tongue, which I fortunately learned while at academy. "I know you got to be starving after that."
So off to the cafeteria we went, carousing down the corridors and making boisterous conversation the entire way. We seated ourselves at a table that overlooked the hanger bay.
"So what brings you out to the Independance?" I asked. "Republic High Command gave my squadron orders to make this our base for this tour. They said you might need the help." he replied. A whole squadron of A-wings. This must be a critically important mission. I proded further, "Damn, a whole squad of shiny new starfighters. That must be nice." He retorted, "There's one out there for you, if you want. We lost a wingman a few weeks ago and need a replacement. I told them I know one of the best starfighter pilots in the galaxy. So if you chose, Blue 3 could be your new callsign."
Wow, me in an A-wing. The speed and agility of them is renowned, but could I just up and leave Red squadron like that? "I'll have to think about that one, can you give me a day or so?" I asked. "Of course, just come find me when you've made a decision."
I walked around the huge Mon Calamari cruiser for the rest of the day.